“Yari 100% Natural Hemp Oil” is a pure, powerful choice for wellness and beauty. It comes from top-quality hemp seeds. This oil is 100% natural, with no additives.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  • Pure: It’s entirely natural.
  • Nährstoffreich: The oil is full of omega-3 and omega-6.
  • Vielseitig: Great for skin, hair, and overall health.


  1. Hautpflege: Deeply moisturizes and soothes skin, reducing dryness and promoting a radiant complexion.
  2. Haarpflege: Strengthens hair, promotes growth, and adds a natural shine.
  3. Wellness: Supports heart health, reduces inflammation, and aids in stress management.

This oil is a holistic beauty and health solution. It’s a key item for daily care, promoting body and mind wellness.

“Yari 100% Natural Hemp Oil” is not just a product but a holistic approach to beauty and health. Its multipurpose nature makes it a must-have in daily routines, offering a simple yet effective way to nurture your body and mind with the goodness of hemp.

Gewicht 0.45 kg

Kosten für den Versand

  • Economy: 3-5 Arbeitstage
  • Priorität: 2-3 Arbeitstage




Up to 2Kg CHF7.00 CHF9.00
Up to 10Kg CHF10.00 CHF12.00
Up to 30Kg CHF19.00 CHF21.00
Up to 32Kg CHF26.00 CHF30.00
Up to 40Kg CHF29.00 CHF33.00
Up to 60kg CHF38.00 CHF42.00
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