I am Mahaventhan Maharajah, managing director of India supermarkt Maharajah. In 1988 I came to Switzerland as a refugee because of the civil war in my home country Sri Lanka. I initially lived in the canton of Graubünden for 11 years. There I worked in various industries such as gastronomy, construction and carpentry.
One day I thought I could achieve something and thought about starting something independent. Since my father was a successful businessman in my hometown Chunnakam, I wished to open a grocery store.
I decided to start my business in Zurich because the city of Zurich is one of the most important business centers in Switzerland. In 1998 I founded my shop under the name “Chunnakam Santhai”. After years of hard work and successful with customers, I continued to develop my shop, with international products from various Asian, African, and Latin countries, and was renamed my shop as “India Supermarkt Maharajah”. Then in 2011, I founded my main company “Greenleaf Swiss AG”, which functions as the parent company.
After the success of further development, I wanted to offer my customers something better. That is why I have taken my business one step further in 2020, “online shopping”. I look forward to hearing from you about our online shopping system. Have fun with our online shopping!!!