Lime, a vibrant citrus fruit, is celebrated for its tangy flavor and numerous health benefits. This small, green fruit is packed with vitamin C, vital for boosting the immune system and enhancing skin health. Its acidic nature and high antioxidant content aid in digestion, helping to break down food and relieve digestive issues.

Limes are also known for their detoxifying properties. They help cleanse the body by flushing out toxins, contributing to improved kidney and liver function. The low calorie and high nutrient content make limes a great dietary addition for weight management and overall wellness.

Incorporating limes into your diet is easy. They can be squeezed into water for a refreshing drink, added to salads for a zesty twist, or used in cooking to enhance flavor. Beyond culinary uses, limes have applications in natural cleaning products and skincare routines, showcasing their versatility. This bright, tangy fruit is a powerhouse of flavor and health benefits, making it a valuable addition to any diet.

Shipping Charges

  • Economy: 3-5 working days
  • Priority: 2-3 working days




Up to 2Kg CHF8.50 CHF10.50
Up to 10Kg CHF11.50 CHF13.50
Up to 30Kg CHF20.50 CHF22.50
Up to 32Kg CHF29.00 CHF33.00
Up to 40Kg CHF32.00 CHF36.00
Up to 60kg CHF41.00 CHF45.00

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